10 Reasons WWE Are In A Battle With Their Own Fans

7. WWE Is Stagnant

Fans criticisms more often than not come from a place of frustration and it€™s not that they don€™t like WWE, it€™s just they see how good it could be and want it to live up to its potential. It can be tiring to watch something you love with so much passion become stuck in a rut and often the only way fans can express their frustrations is through collective outrage. In WWE€™s defense, they do try to make new stars and in the past five years there have been six first time WWE Champions, but when you look at where they are now it shows a lack of commitment to those characters. CM Punk and Alberto Del Rio are no longer with the company, Sheamus, Rey Mysterio and The Miz sank quickly into the upper-midcard and only Daniel Bryan has managed to keep his spot (for now). Instead, WWE gets trigger-shy with these new stars and reverts back to stars that have been in the main event picture for ten to twenty years. John Cena and Randy Orton both find their way back to the title more often than not, and as legendary as they are, how many recent stories have been ruined by the addition of Big Show and/or Kane? WWE has become so stagnant that fans of NXT are scared to see their favourites €œgraduate€ to the main roster because that€™s usually the death knell for their momentum. WWE has done a surprisingly good job of building new stars like Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt over the past year but fans are all too aware that they could just as easily fall into midcard obscurity within another year€™s time.
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