10 Reasons WWE Champion Brock Lesnar Is Worth $5 Million A Year

3. Legitimacy

You wouldn€™t know it if you were a new fan who just started watching in recent years, with all the emphasis on guys with the same basic look and physique, but professional wrestling was founded as a business built around tough guys. Granted, not all of these supposed bad*sses were as hard in real life as their characters, but compared to today€™s roster it was a vastly different industry. There aren€™t a lot of guys on WWE TV who come off as intimidating. Adam Rose, Xavier Woods and Fandango aren€™t going to strike fear in the hearts of men. But even most of the main event players don€™t present that air of being €œunf*ckwithable€. That€™s where Brock is an asset. You€™re talking about an elite athlete with freakish genetic gifts, abilities that led to him to the top of the mountain in amateur wrestling as an NCAA heavyweight champion. He parlayed that success into a pro wrestling career, which he then used to transition into mixed martial arts, where he once again became the top dog, winning the UFC heavyweight title. Brock Lesnar is the very definition of a bad*ss, and someone the WWE audience can point to as legitimizing professional wrestling. When the naysayers and detractors bellow about how €œfake€ it is, Lesnar is a great counterpoint to that argument.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.