10 Reasons WWE Champion Roman Reigns Is Kinda Being A Dick Right Now

8. It's Reigns' Own Fault He Didn't Get The Money In The Bank Briefcase

Ah, yes, that Money In The Bank PPV. In a show where we'd all basically accepted that Reigns was going to be given the rub once again, along came that dastardly feud-loser Bray Wyatt to put him over instead. And he screwed Reigns out of the briefcase! The fiend! You ruined it, Bray! How could you! That was his one chance at World Title redemption that week! Then again, Reigns could have just not let Bray's initial appearance distract him like that and, y'know, just take the damn briefcase. I mean, just look at that photo above -the man had his damn hand on it! Just unhook it! It's right there! Oh no, wait, you're gonna stand there for three awkward seconds looking agog while Bray cackles like a horny banshee and get totally steamrollered instead? Ah well. Chin up, you'll get ANOTHER go at it, soon enough...
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Roman Reigns
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