10 Reasons WWE Fans Should Be Watching Total Divas

9. It's Shorter Than Raw

If nothing else, Total Divas is shorter than Raw. Which may not seem much of an upside, but as anyone who sits through the three-hour long marathon that is the weekly episode of Raw knows, it is something. Total Divas nips along at an intense pace. There is no downtime, and the odds of an awkward comedy segment are zero to none. Instead, you get a tightly packed show that is over before you know it started, and it even has the benefit of explaining some of the Diva€™s storylines, which let's be honest, Raw often completely fails to do. In many ways, Total Divas bears similarities to NXT - if you take out all the brilliant wrestling. There is no filler here and that alone makes for an entertaining watch.

A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83