10 Reasons WWE Fans Should Believe In Roman Reigns

6. He Has The Look

This is how Reigns looked during his days as Leakee in FCW. He just looks like a WWE World Heavyweight Champion, right? Today, the powers that be at WWE have decided to keep him in the Shield's SWOT gear which just doesn't work when you consider his current gimmick. The vest he wears is just a blatant marketing ploy that should make them millions, once he's given the top belt. Should he revert to more traditional wrestling gear and given the opportunity to flaunt his impressive physique, his impressive tattoo and his impressive tan most importantly, this could add some legitimacy to his work. Roman stands at 6ft 3 and weighs in at around 265 lbs, which is as close to Brock Lesnar that WWE has at the present moment. The whole package spells one thing... Money.
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Roman Reigns
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.