10 Reasons WWE Fans Will Hate Sting Vs The Undertaker

10. Sting Needs More Time To "Bond" With The WWE Universe

WWE 2K15 hits stores in a little more than three months. That time is going to fly by, and will sneak up on all of us. Barely two months after the game is released, the Road To WrestleMania storylines will officially begin taking place on WWE television, with the Royal Rumble coming up. That time is also going to fly by and sneak up on everyone. Of course, nobody knows what Sting's schedule will be. If you listen to him in recent interviews, he says that he would be all for making appearances on WWE programming to help promote the video game, implying that there currently aren't any plans to make that happen. Even if Sting does show up on Raw, does anyone think he'll become a full-time on-air personality, appearing every week on Raw, Smackdown, and Main Event? Sure, they could always make him the General Manager or something along those lines, but why would they bring him in for that, you know? Just for the sake of argument, let's just say he does get named General Manager. It would have to be relatively soon, to take advantage of the hype surrounding the game. As was mentioned, the time between now and the game's release will fly by, followed by the time between the game's release and WrestleMania promotion. There is a large percentage of the WWE Universe that has never seen Sting before, and WWE 2K15 will be their first introduction. For that large percentage, is this enough time to get acclimated with Sting and to bond with him so that there can be a real emotional attachment strong enough to carry a WrestleMania match with one of the most beloved names in the history of the business? Many would say no.

Columnist/Podcaster/Director at LordsOfPain.net for nearly seven years, with nearly 2000 total columns written. Interviewed and/or involved in interviewing the likes of Tyler Black/Seth Rollins (twice), Diamond Dallas Page, Jimmy Jacobs, Christopher Daniels, Uhaa Nation and more.