10 Reasons WWE Might Bring Back The World Heavyweight Championship

1. The Fans Want It Back

WWE is all about the fans at the end of the day. The McMahon's produce the show to make money; but they make money by us being happy and watching. When we're happy, they're happy, so they tend to eventually give us what we want. A case in example is Daniel Bryan headlining WrestleMania 30, or Brock Lesnar kicking John Cena's a**. When WWE realises that the Big Gold Belt is a miss amongst the fans, they'll maybe consider bringing it back. All the reasons we listed here make creative and business sense, so it might even be in the not too distant future that we see the Gold restored to our screens. One idea could be that when WCW Icon Sting finally debuts, he brings the world title with him, asking the new generation to honour its history. Support for the comeback of the belt is vocal in the internet wrestling community. "Every time I see the current WWE World Championship, I think of the "Big Gold Belt" they abandoned in favour of the new title, and feel sad." Tweets @Mr2046. "Why'd they have to get rid of the "big gold belt" smh they should've got rid of the other one if anything" states @_adibody on twitter. Whether we will see a return of the legendary World Heavyweight Championship remains to be seen. If WWE really have retired "the big gold belt" for good, it would be an undeservingly low key end of a pro wrestling era. We'll never forget the great memories of this iconic piece of WCW and WWE glory. What's your thoughts? Leave your opinions in the comments, then spread the word on social media to join the debate!
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WWE Writer

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