10 Reasons WWE Might Bring Back The World Heavyweight Championship

2. It Looks Fantastic

Is it superficial to suggest that WWE should bring back the Big Gold Belt because it looks good? Not at all, because as we all know, looks matter! The appearance of the World Heavyweight Championship is dazzling. It was designed and made by Charles Crumrine, a silversmith in Reno, Nevada. He specialised in western belt buckles and produced the belt in 1985. The title instantly made an impression. It was so much more grander than anything else wrestling fans had been used to. The plate was bigger than usual and included layered details, creating the perception of a fine piece of crafted gold. It screamed prestige. This impressive look hasn't diminished with time. If anything, the advent of time has only made it look grander, giving the belt a substance beneath its surface. The gold conjures up images of Ric Flair in his prime, the belt displayed proudly inside the grandeur of his robes. This is one championship that just has the all important aesthetic that declares glory.
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