10 Reasons WWE Might Bring Back The World Heavyweight Championship

8. The Storyline Would Fit WWE's Current Narrative

A return of the World Heavyweight Championship would fit WWE's current storylines. Right now you have Brock Lesnar as WWE Champion, basically keeping the title captive by not appearing on every show. The Authority could remedy this, revealing that they're unhappy that a belt won't be on the line at WWE special events. Despite admitting this problem, Triple H would refuse to strip Brock Lesnar of the the WWE title. Instead, he'd announce a reintroduction of the championship he himself won so many times over the years - the World Heavyweight Title. That would then give WWE a main event for an upcoming show, in turn giving us the fans a reason to watch. The new World Heavyweight Champion would then be well positioned to cover for the WWE title's absence.
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WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.