10 Reasons WWE Needs To Shoot A Quick Face Turn On Bray Wyatt

7. He's A Natural Adversary For The Authority

One of the key components of Bray Wyatt€™s message is €œbringing down the machine€. He often talks about false messiahs and how humanity has become a flock of sheep being led astray by those in positions of power. Several times it€™s felt like he was literally speaking about WWE€™s authority figures, yet he€™s remained on the same side as those in power within his own organization. The character€™s thought process makes him a natural adversary to the people in charge in the WWE. A babyface Bray Wyatt vs. HHH in a program leading to a WrestleMania match would be compelling television and just what Bray needs to rejuvenate his stalled progress. With The Authority/Daniel Bryan feud on hiatus due to Bryan€™s injury, and the program with Hunter & Stephanie vs. Cena having ran its course, Wyatt stepping up as a new protagonist for the evil overlords of WWE has dollar signs all over it. At this point in HHH€™s career he needs to be used exclusively to put people over and try to make new stars as best as possible. Since his feuds with Cena and Jericho didn€™t necessarily accomplish that task, putting Hunter with Bray would hopefully do just that.
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Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.