10 Reasons WWE Needs To Shoot A Quick Face Turn On Bray Wyatt

8. His Character Motivations Work Well As A Face

For his entire tenure, the Bray Wyatt character has walked a fine line between backwoods cult leader and brilliant philosopher who gives voice to the voiceless. When he strays to the latter, he becomes entirely relatable and is far less effective as a heel because the audience identifies with what he€™s saying. He only truly works as a bad guy when he€™s being despicable, which is very rare for Bray. The worst thing that can happen to a heel is to be booked as a face, and that€™s exactly what WWE has done with Wyatt. They€™ve given him babyface tools, such as a fantastic entrance and theme song, the €œhometown pop€ intro, and a coolness usually reserved for those we€™re supposed to cheer. Someone who speaks of the things that Wyatt does is a person that the average joe in the audience can get behind. His in-ring style shows great fire, he looks like us as opposed to some chiseled super athlete, and his promos speak to the mindset of the disenfranchised. That€™s the recipe for a babyface if ever there was one. And that leads to our next reason€
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Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.