10 Reasons WWE Needs To Shoot A Quick Face Turn On Bray Wyatt

4. Brock Needs Opponents

Lesnar Wyatt By all reports, the plan is for current WWE World Champion Brock Lesnar to retain the title until WrestleMania 31, at which point he will drop the title to the company€™s chosen babyface superstar. The word is that Roman Reigns is going to be the guy to dethrone the beast, but with a returning Daniel Bryan, Dean Ambrose catching fire and Vince€™s propensity toward all things John Cena, those plans could always change. The problem with Lesnar carrying the title through Mania is that there aren€™t enough credible challengers to fill up the cards between now and then. Presumably, with his limited appearance contract he won€™t be defending the title on every PPV/special event, but between now and WrestleMania there are five events, and even if Brock is only on a portion of those, they€™re going to need someone to serve as fodder until he loses the title. Bray Wyatt would make an ideal foil for Lesnar to fill up the months before the big card. The program with Cena has ran its course, you don€™t want to sacrifice Ambrose and Reigns and Bryan aren€™t ready. That really only leaves uninspiring options like Big Show or Mark Henry as far as current faces. Wyatt is someone who can be viewed as a credible challenger, who the fans could get behind, and he€™s also been booked in a way that a loss wouldn€™t really damage his standing since his character has been shown to be a bit of a masochist. And who better to get your helping of pain from than Brock?
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Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.