10 Reasons WWE RAW 25 Was Such A Letdown

9. The Undertaker's "Will He/Won't He" B*llocks

Triple H Shawn Michaels Raw 25

It's quite remarkable how much WWE have killed the wonder of last year's WrestleMania ending just by virtue of their own indecision. Rather than Undertaker's supposed retirement being treated as the grand moment it should be, WWE have decided to flip flop on whether or not he's actually retired. With the commentators insisting that Reigns "may very well have retired" 'Taker instead of definitively declaring one way or another, the significance of Reigns' win has been greatly diminished.

So now, on RAW 25, we have 'Taker emerge for the first time since WrestleMania, and to set the record straight, he... cuts a cryptic promo that neither JR nor King could fully comprehend.


And look: if The Undertaker wants to come back, by all means he should. Physically, he looked fantastic at RAW 25. But WWE need to commit one way or another instead of this insipid indecision, because otherwise, fans will stop caring if he comes back or not.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.