10 Reasons WWE Will Belong To John Cena In 2016

2. The Last Big Run

John Cena turns thirty nine in April 2016. He has often talked about not wanting to be an ageing, broken-down wrestler, and his move into the mainstream with movies and television shows suggests that he's already preparing for a life beyond full time in-ring competition. He'll be forty in less than a year and a half from now. That means 2016 is possibly going to be WWE's last opportunity at getting one big final run out of the greatest star they've had for the past decade. Big matches and big angles (and big jobs) are all things that WWE will look to get out of Cena before he turns forty. Decline and departure are almost certainly drawing nearer, which makes it of pressing importance that WWE utilise Cena properly in 2016.
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Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.