10 Reasons WWE Will Belong To John Cena In 2016

3. He's Done His Time In The Upper Midcard

Wrestling is cyclical, and in John Cena's current cycle he is due to have another big run. He's done a year and a half in an upper midcard spot, occasionally rising up and getting a main event title shot. The time is now right for him to come back to an established and extended main event run. His time away from that spot has made him fresh, it has reinvigorated him and given him the kick up the backside he needed. His critics aren't quite as resentful of him as they were a couple of years ago, thanks to his selflessness when it comes to doing jobs and the consistently high quality of his numerous US Title matches. There's also an economic point to consider, since Cena is the best paid full-time star in WWE. In making that money back, WWE need to utilise him as best they can, and that means putting him in the top money-drawing spots. They can't keep wasting him in mid-card matches at WrestleMania and other big shows.
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John Cena
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WWE Writer

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