10 Reasons WWE Will Belong To John Cena In 2016

9. The Undertaker

One of the biggest gigs that Cena could get at this point in his career is a long-anticipated match with The Undertaker, and early indications are that it could be happening at WrestleMania 32. It would be great for both men, an irresistible force meeting an immovable giant, the sort of match that is remembered for generations to come. Just by being in such a spot, it makes 2016 as big as any year Cena has had since 2013 when he faced The Rock in the 'Mania main event. A win for Big Match John would be monumental - just look what it did for Brock Lesnar in 2014. But even if he loses, the spot is still going to enhance Cena's standing. Facing Taker at Mania, win or lose, means way more than Cena's last two 'Mania wins over Bray Wyatt and Rusev.
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