10 Reasons WWE Will Belong To John Cena In 2016

8. Sixteen Time

It seems very unlikely that WWE's franchise star will go over two years without holding the WWE Championship, which means 2016 is surely going to see him grabbing the gold once again. That also means something else, as he's going to equal The Nature Boy Ric Flair's record sixteen World Title reigns. At least in terms of WWE's version of history, as Flair can actually claim to have held more than twenty. WWE will make a very big deal of it, and have already mentioned this past year how Cena is close to matching the record. The glorious sixteenth win will help Cena stand out as the definitive modern great, with WWE showering him with praise and constantly referring to "sixteen time" Cena. Ten years into his main event push, it is another way to elevate him still further.
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