10 Reasons WWE Will Belong To John Cena In 2016

7. Seventeen Time

As inevitable as Cena matching the the sixteen time achievement is, him breaking the record with seventeen is perhaps more so. Going past Flair is the ultimate goal, one that WWE originally had in mind for Triple H many years ago. That's why the entire Flair "sixteen time" narrative exists and is repeatedly mentioned on WWE television. Like The Undertaker's streak, it is record made to be broken. By putting Cena on seventeen, they make him even bigger than he already is. Plus, Vince McMahon loves the guy. He wants to make Cena stand out as a legend in WWE, so what better way than to have him break The Nature Boy's impressive title tally? That would solidify Cena as perhaps the best ever, from a kayfabe perspective if nothing else. There's a good chance that Cena loses his sixteenth belt at some point before the autumn, then chases it back to win the seventeenth before the end of 2016. It is a compelling story to tell, the babyface trying to break an astonishing record. Don't bet against Vince giving it the green light.
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