10 Reasons WWE Will Bring WrestleMania To The UK Soon

1. The Money

Wrestlemania Uk

Vince McMahon is many things, but he is a businessman first and foremost. You can have all the sentiment in the world but if your proposal does not make financial sense, then the billionaire will not be considering it. On the other-hand, a sure fire money making exercise is guaranteed to interest him and that is the fundamental reason a UK Wrestlemania must be considered a future certainty.

WWE international revenue grew 46% last year to a company record $169.8 million. The company has long outgrown its domestic beginnings and is embarking on more tours to more locations as every year goes by. WWE is a form of entertainment already enjoyed worldwide but the speed at which the company is spreading across the globe is breathtaking. Various times this past year we have seen examples of this, none more so than the recent promotional tour of China (and WWE signing it's first ever Chinese Wrestler, Bing Wang). Shares rose by more than 4% as soon as the Chinese Tour was announced.

As WWE goes more and more global, the logical step is for Wrestlemania to eventually do the same. When it happens, the UK will be a front runner - a known quantity and a far less risky option than other markets. The WWE knows the UK fanbase, they know the product will look and sound fantastic on TV, they know it is easy for fans to travel to and they know the tickets will sell like hotcakes.

Break records, make tons of cash and be seen to emerge further in the International market place. Will WWE bring Wrestlemania to the UK sooner rather than later ? You be the judge.


Joe Cuffaro is a Sports Journalist and x6 time Staffs University Hardcore Champion. He is a WWE and Newcastle United enthusiast, which explains why most of his views are pessimistic.