10 Reasons WWE Won’t Pull The Trigger On Dean Ambrose

Why hasn't The Lunatic Fringe been given a prolonged main event run?

You're probably wondering why Dean Ambrose hasn't already cemented his place in the main event picture of WWE. Since Seth Rollins ended The Shield's stellar run through WWE's premier roster in June 2014, The Lunatic Fringe has become one of the top babyfaces on the roster. However, as the current Intercontinental Champion, the powers that be at WWE haven't really seen him as 'the guy.' A secondary title is as far as he's gotten. With Ambrose, there's no polarisation like you get with a John Cena or a Roman Reigns - 100% of the WWE Universe love a bit of DA. The men, whatever their age, love his craziness and balls-to-the-wall nature, while the women love his charm and rugged good looks. When you look into the crowd at an arena you'll always - and I mean always - see a Dean Ambrose sign or fifty. Why then, considering how over he is with the audience, hasn't Dean been given a real main event push? Considering the plethora of injuries that are blighting the company at the moment he could be on the brink of being given one by default, but there has been something that hasn't quite added up when it comes to Ambrose in the mind of Vince McMahon at the very least. He's had fleeting rivalries with the likes of Seth Rollins for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, while he made it to the final of the WHC tournament at Survivor Series last November (a match he was never going to win), but that ascension to the top of the mountain hasn't arrived. What is it that is stopping our resident lunatic from grabbing that proverbial brass ring? Here's 10 reasons that could tell us why...
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.