10 Reasons WWE Would Be Better Under Triple H's Control

8. Ditching The Scripts

During his appearance on Steve Austin's live podcast, Triple H talked about how some guys are fully scripted, others get bullet points, and a few pretty much go out there and improvise (with obviously a general idea of what they'll say established beforehand). However, it was clear that The Game would prefer to do what he does in NXT; let the talent come up with their own stuff in order to avoid the need for a script altogether. On a show as big as Raw which is live every week, allowing everyone to do that would obviously be a risk, but the fact that Triple H is instilling this method in up and coming talent is a great sign for the quality of promos moving forwards. Just look at the kind of material that Roman Reigns was delivering a few weeks ago ("Sufferin Succotash, Son!"), all of which the dirt sheets claim was scripted entirely by - you guessed it - Vince McMahon.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.