7. He Understands The Need To Change

During that same podcast appearance, Triple H made it known that the one man who decided the outcome of the Royal Rumble was Vince McMahon, before backtracking somewhat by praising the fact that there's a single person in charge making those choices. Based on how he handled Stone Cold's tough questions about the Roman Reigns backlash though, it was clear that he can appreciate when to call it quits on a story that's not working. The fact that last year's WrestleMania main event was altered could be an indication that this is something Vince is willing to do as well, but this year's clash between Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns says otherwise. Reigns is getting a better reaction than Batista was this time last year, but when he gets in front of that raucous WrestleMania crowd, there's a very good chance that things will backfire horribly, with the crowd making their displeasure clear.