5. He Wants To Give Divas More TV Time

If #GiveDivasAChance proves anything, it's that the members of the WWE Universe are sick of the Divas getting matches which last three minutes at most, but more frequently less than 30 seconds. It's become a sad trend in the WWE and one which explains why most fans view their matches as the chance to take a (very quick) bathroom break. It becomes all the more infuriating when you see the quality of matches taking place down in NXT. Triple H made it clear recently that he would like to see the Divas get more time on Raw and SmackDown, and seeing as the women in NXT stole the show at NXT Takeover: Rivals with a 20+ minute match, that's undoubtedly the right attitude. The female talent down in Orlando are also given the chance to develop personalities beyond WWE's "b****s be crazy!" approach, so Triple H controlling the Divas division would be best for business!