10 Reasons WWE Would Be Better Under Triple H's Control

4. Developing Stories

The Daniel Bryan vs. The Authority storyline is one of the best WWE angles of all-time, and while the fact it all came to a head at last year's WrestleMania may not have been the plan when Randy Orton cashed in on Daniel Bryan the year before at SummerSlam, it showed the wrestling fans are more than happy to embrace the kind of long form storytelling also utilised by TV shows like of Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, and The Walking Dead. Triple H's current feud with Sting is a good example of this, and the WWE's COO recently made his feelings clear when it comes to his preference of letting things build up in order to deliver a more satisfying pay off. This is an indication that the kind of stories told by the WWE could improve a great deal under his leadership. The slow burn approach has been seen a lot more recently (Miz and Mizdow), so perhaps his influence his already being felt...

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.