10 Reasons WWE's Ministry Of Darkness Failed

2. The Corporate Ministry

The Undertaker Ministry of Darkness

By the late spring of 1999, the familiar death knell was tolling for the original Ministry of Darkness, as The Undertaker made a pact with Shane McMahon to create The Corporate Ministry. After being hung from a cell by them in March, The Big Boss Man was now pretty chummy with The Ministry gang, and big bad Viscera was staring eerily at the camera while stood next to Pete Gas.

For obvious reasons, the incorporation of the two groups made Undertaker’s faction lose what little daemonic presence they had left, and the core identity of the stable had been completely lost. The breakdown was quick and effective, and not so different from WCW’s nWo storyline of the time, with a vast amount of unrelated people standing around and looking mean while doing nothing.

The loss of importance did not stop at The Undertaker either. As eleven people stood in the ring vying for camera time on the 3 May 1999 episode of Raw, 'Taker was handed the mic only after Shane McMahon and Triple H had finished speaking, showcasing his new rank as a high-profile lackey. At the beginning of this storyline, The Undertaker had stated that he wanted his Ministry to completely take over WWE. Now, it seemed, he was content to be a member of another group with the same intentions.


20+ year Wrestling fan who'd probably watch December to Dismember 2006 again without issue. Owns 76 Nicolas Cage films on DVD, and his bookshelves have their own room (in a pretty small flat).