10 Reasons WWE's Ministry Of Darkness Failed

1. The Higher Power

The Undertaker Ministry of Darkness
WWE Network

While an amazing swerve that most people remember fondly, Vince McMahon being revealed as the long referenced ‘Higher Power’ of The Ministry of Darkness was truly the end. At this point in time, The Ministry had already lost a lot of steam, transferring their worship of the devil to a worship for capitalism after siding with Shane. However, the sudden realisation that The Undertaker was Darth Vader to Vince McMahon’s Emperor Palpatine made everything The Ministry leader had said, done and stood for up this point feel utterly hollow and meaningless.

As with most major storylines at the time, the McMahon family were once again front and centre, and if The Ministry hadn’t already felt lost in the shuffle before joining The Corporation, they were now presented as bona fide henchmen. From the various insinuations made about the group’s ‘Higher Power’ since the commencement of the storyline, it was clear that this was not a conclusion that had been created from long term booking, making most of The Ministry dealings with McMahon up to this point both deeply disappointing and entirely nonsensical.

Just a few months later, The Undertaker was teaming with The Big Show as ‘The Unholy Alliance’ and The Ministry of Darkness was well and truly disbanded. Once the revelation had occurred that the boss was also the man pulling The Undertaker’s strings, the group was tossed to the funeral parlour and the final nail was hit into the coffin.


20+ year Wrestling fan who'd probably watch December to Dismember 2006 again without issue. Owns 76 Nicolas Cage films on DVD, and his bookshelves have their own room (in a pretty small flat).