10 Reasons You'll Never Be As Awesome As The Rock

9. He Officiated His Biggest Fan's Wedding

The Rock struck up a surprising friendship with comedian Nick Mundy after being interviewed by him for Pain & Gain, and the two have since starred together in a number of hilarious videos for Screen Junkies. Those would culminate in the People's Champion showing just how much of a man of the people he is when he officiated Mundy's wedding. While the video (which has so far generated close to three million views) coincides with the upcoming release of San Andreas, it's not hard to tell that The Rock was genuinely pleased to be there and making the wedding of one of his biggest fans a day he would never forget for more than just the obvious reason. Exactly how many actors do you know who became an ordained minister in the state of California for a fan? The genuine look of shock and joy on Mundy's face as he realises what is happening just serves to highlight the kind of impact The Rock has had on people's lives.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.