10 Reasons You'll Never Be As Awesome As The Rock

7. He Pulled Off This Look (And Still Could)

The above photo of The Rock went viral last year, but are you going to make fun of his look? The fact is, he pulls it off. If he wore it now, he still would.This picture from 1996 came close to breaking the internet when the wrestler turned actor revealed it via Instagram, and if you need any further proof that The Rock is a real boss, he would later jokingly reveal that the fanny pack was full of condoms and pop tarts. You know what? It more than likely was too. Showing just how much he cares about style, The Rock even has a towel under his arm to keep the turtleneck clean. Naturally, he took it in his stride when Jimmy Fallon poked fun at him on TV by presenting Johnson with an action figure immortalising his '90s self.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.