10 Reasons You'll Never Be As Awesome As The Rock

4. He's The Most Inspirational Man On Twitter/Instagram

"In 1995 I had $7 bucks in my pocket and knew two things: I€™m broke as hell and one day I won€™t be." - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson Some people find fame and fortune by luck, but The Rock fought and earned his way up to the top. From humble beginnings to the highest grossing actor in Hollywood, Dwayne Johnson's story is no doubt an inspirational one. Perhaps that's why he so often takes to social media to inspire others, and as it turns out, he is unsurprisingly great at doing that as well. There are a lot of celebrities and athletes who try to come across as being inspirational, but it often seems insincere and forced. That just isn't the case with The Rock, and it's honestly hard not to feel pumped up after reading one of his Tweets or Instagram posts. Where many celebrities would probably try to hide their humble beginnings, The Rock uses them as a way of showing people that they can achieve anything if they're motivated enough to do so. That's an incredibly positive and uplifting message to put out there.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.