10 Recent WWE Storylines That Flat Out Sucked

2. Raw Vs. SmackDown

Becky Lynch Rusev Kurt Angle Baron Corbin

The Storyline: Brand warfare raged on in the lead up to Survivor Series 2017, and it led SmackDown stars to invade Raw in a bid to prove their superiority over the red team. Firing back the next night, Kurt Angle had a reformed Shield lead the charge on SmackDown.

Why It Sucked: OK, so this is less recent than others on the list, and yet the stench of it is still lingering. There's every chance, come late-October or early-November, that WWE will crank up the fictitious heat between both major shows again in time for Survivor Series 2018.

That approach seems to be the only one they have in mind for the pay-per-view these days, and it blows.

Seeing heels and babyfaces stop their own internal issues dead once a year so they can wage war for no logical reason is stupid. The Raw vs. SmackDown concept is one that should have died with the old video games years ago, and it has no place in today's product, especially when it's barely referenced any other time of the year.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.