10 Retired Wrestlers Who Are Still In Amazing Shape

9. Vladimir Kozlov

Vladimir Kozlov 2018

People might blink if Vladimir Kozlov roared back onto Raw or SmackDown.

The big man was an aberration during his run in WWE a decade or so ago, and it's unlikely anyone misses his awkward attempts to become the 'Next Next Big Thing'. Even so, he's been busy since retiring from the ring in 2012. Seriously, just look at the guy now.

Kozlov moved into acting and actually improved his physique. He's 41, but you wouldn't know it looking at his bulky frame above. Those striations and veins all over his arms are the kind of thing that'd cause Vince McMahon to pass out mid, "He's so vascular!" shout.

Vlad has also developed some abdominals too, which is something he couldn't boast when he was terrorising wrestling fans with one of the worst pushes this side of Nathan Jones. The dude can be proud of that body.

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