10 Ric Flair Stories So Crazy That They Must Be True

5. To Be The Man, You Have To Drink Like Him


John Cena is the franchise of WWE in 2015, and has been for many years. One hilarious story, coming from Ric Flair himself, explores the lengths Flair would go to, trying to convince Cena that in order to be a real champion he had to drink like one.

Relaying his incredible frustration at his inability to get Cena bombed, Flair remarked that John can drink as many beers as he likes, and still be compos mentis, completely in control of what he's doing. For someone like Flair, this must be baffling - The Nature Boy comes from an era when the party was king, so he likely can't comprehend wrestlers nowadays not following the same path.

The mere thought of Flair continually telling John Cena, with a serious expression, that he has to 'act like a champion' is hilarious, but the fact is that such behaviour worked for Ric, so it's likely that he truly believes in what he's saying.

Those must have been some weird conversations, ones Cena was probably dreading - not only did he have Vince McMahon in his ear, taking him to represent his company responsibly through personal appearances and charity work, but there's Ric Flair, woo'ing and offering Cena another drink.

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Ric Flair
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