10 Ridiculous Early Ring Names For Famous Wrestlers

5. Kevin Nash Was Oz

Kevin Nash

Kevin Nash is a sweet name. I would trade my name for that in a second. He probably should have gone by that throughout his entire career, but promoters didn’t think it sounded that great, so they kept trying to give him one ridiculous name after the next.

Before he made it big as Diesel in the WWF, he went through a few clunkers in WCW. He was Master Blaster Steel in the Master Blasters (seems a bit redundant), he played the mobster-like Vinnie Vegas and his most ridiculous one of all in Oz.

Oz was taken directly from The Wizard of Oz, as Turner Broadcasting had the film in their library, and they seemed to want to cross promote itorsomething. Is there really a large crossover for professional wrestling fans and The Wizard of Oz fans?

Well, the whole thing was even more pointless, as Nash didn’t look anything like the Oz from the films, because it would be hard to make a character out of a floating head, Nash just confusingly wore an old man mask and dyed his hair gray.

Hopefully Oz will get repackaged someday, but this time as the HBO prison drama.

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Kevin Nash
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