10 Ridiculous Stephanie McMahon Ego Trips
9. Devolution

Women's Champion Charlotte Flair was riding high as the best all-rounder in the division a week removed from cutting a scathing promo on her father Ric, brutally decrying his help and influence on her career before banishing him from her entourage entirely.
It was bitchy, bratty and brilliant. The division's top heel and a fabulous wrestler to boot, Charlotte had ascended to the point where eventual victory for Sasha Banks or a fellow babyface over the malevolent titleholder was destined to be sweet solace.
Luckily, even bitchier, brattier heel Stephanie was on hand to try and siphon all that heat for herself in one of the most spectacularly hypocritical misfires the company have ever scripted.
With not a shade of irony, McMahon said how 'embarrassed' she was to have Charlotte as champion, calling her 'spoiled, selfish and self-important' for the way in which she abused her father the prior week.
Flair tried desperately to interject, presumably to highlight how mind-numbingly f***ing absurd that sounded coming from the woman born into the company, but as per bloody usual, 'Daddy's Little Girl' was quick to trample all over that.
Snapping that Charlotte had 'no idea what she was talking about' she advised the strongest women on the roster to 'step back and shut her mouth'. As usual, Stephanie was the real champion.