10 Rivalries That Will Define WWE In 2018

5. Kurt Angle Vs. Triple H

Roman Reigns Dean Ambrose

After weeks of brow-beating at the hands of Stephanie McMahon, Kurt Angle simply has to be given the opportunity to get his hands on a member of her extended family - otherwise they can pretty much kiss goodbye to what precious little credibility the Raw general manager has left.

Then again, this could be a swan-song for the Olympic gold medalist, whose two matches so far - both of them multi-man affairs - have perhaps illustrated that he isn't quite in the sort of shape required for a full-time run back in the ring (not that many 50-year-olds are, course).

For Triple H, it's a little different. He's on a losing streak on the Grandest Stage of Them All, having suffered defeat to both Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, but there's little sign he's ready to trade in his sporadic in-ring appearances for a full-time seat in the boardroom.

As such, you can probably expect Angle to triumph in a middling WrestleMania match that will, in all likelihood, not live up the standard that its two competitors have set in meetings past. And that could be that for this feud, unless Steph decides to pull a double-cross.
