10 ROH Stars Who Made It Big In WWE

3. Seth Rollins


With leading-man good looks and natural showmanship, Seth Rollins has the whiff of someone who has been bred to be WWE's franchise player from birth, yet - despite his erstwhile allegiance with Trips and Steph - his rise up the ranks had nothing to do with nepotism.

Rollins was a star in Ring of Honor from 2007 right up until he was recruited to WWE's Performance Centre in 2012, having been a fixture in the company from the ripe age of 21, an age when most wrestlers are probably still to make their official in-ring bows.

Under the name Tyler Black (which is probably better, really), he lifted the ROH World Title at the age of just 24, also holding the Tag Team belts twice with partner Jimmy Jacobs, and picking up a number of tournament wins along the way.

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