10 Roster Moves WWE Must Make After WrestleMania 34

2. Seth Rollins (Raw-SmackDown)

Roman Reigns Seth Rollins

Boy oh boy was that 'epic' Shield reunion of last summer one of 2017's biggest failures.

WWE can hide behind a Dean Ambrose injury as an excuse for derailed plans all they like, but it's abundantly clear when looking back to TV from August-December last year that creative were never fully comfortable with the idea of putting Roman Reigns back alongside Ambrose and Seth Rollins.

In which case, they shouldn't have done it. All The Shield's reconciliation achieved was making Rollins and Ambrose look like the back-up brigade to Roman's incessant push, and now poor Seth is left back in the mid-card without any clear sign of a major WrestleMania match in sight.

SmackDown beckons for the man, and so does a heel turn. As a whiny, self-obsessed heel, Rollins would be foolproof foil for AJ Styles on Tuesday nights. That's a feud we've yet to really see in WWE, and it's the kind that'd make the blue brand's output in 2018 a pure joy.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.