10 Ruthless Aggression Era WWE Superstars You Totally Don't Remember

9. Marcus Cor Von

Sylvester Terkay WWE

Monty Brown was awesome in TNA between 2004-2006. Go back through the ol' TNA archives if you're able and delight in Monty's 'Pounce' move as well as his pursuit of the NWA Title. It's no surprise WWE came calling for the man in 2006. Overnight, Brown was renamed 'Alpha Male' Marquis Cor Von.

They'd change that to Marcus soon enough.

Cor Von settled in quickly and became part of ECW's New Breed faction. It was a fine spot, but people were already having a tough time caring about Vince McMahon's version of extreme, so the angle (and indeed Cor Von's entire run) ended up flying under the radar.

By June 2007, Marcus was taking time off for personal reasons and then retired from wrestling. He went from being a can't miss prospect in TNA to stumbling through a so-so WWE run and then calling it quits. Cor Von definitely should've accomplished more than he did.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.