10 Scariest WWE Superstars Of All Time

9. Viscera

Nelson Frazier Jr. is known for a few separate gimmicks in the WWE. He débuted as the babyface Mabel, one half of hip-hop inspired duo Men on a Mission, and went on to win King of the Ring 1995 (widely regarded as one of the worst booking decisions in KotR history). Late in his career he became a comedy playboy face, before appearing mainly on the revived ECW brand as the singlet-wearing Big Daddy V. However, his most terrifying, and probably most well-known gimmick, was that of Viscera. The Viscera character came about at the 1999 Royal Rumble when Mabel was kidnapped by the Undertaker's Ministry stable. He reappeared the next night on Raw with a black body suit and white contact lenses, the attire we'd become most used to seeing him in over the next few years. Viscera acted as the Ministry's hired muscle, often teaming with fellow convert Mideon. His massive frame and unnerving appearance made him an instantly fear-inspiring figure, a far cry from the happy-go-lucky figure he once portrayed. Unfortunately for Viscera, the Ministry broke up later that year and his career never truly recovered. He was left floundering in the hardcore division (winning the title once) and engaging in ridiculous "comedy" angles which diluted his once-terrifying character. The most notorious of these is his involvement in the infamous Mae Young pregnancy storyline, in which hit her with a bodysplash to the fury of boyfriend Mark Henry. Nobody ever accused the Attitude era lowercard of being boring, at least. Frazier was released from the WWE in the mid-2000s, but could always find work on the indies due to his unique look, including a stint in All Japan Pro Wrestling. He sadly passed away earlier this year.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.