10 Scariest WWE Superstars Of All Time

5. Papa Shango

Perhaps the biggest flop on this list, Papa Shango was still one of the most terrifying characters the WWE has ever produced. Unfortunately he was critically mishandled, with Charles Wright instead finding greater success under his later gimmick of The Godfather. Shango was supposedly a voodoo priest, complete with facepaint, a prop skull, and a smoking entrance. If introduced lower down the card, he probably could have become a decent addition to the roster. Unfortunately he was shoved straight into the main event upon his début, interfering in the WrestleMania 8 main event between Hulk Hogan and Sid. He ran in too late to interfere on Sid's behalf, forcing the heel to kick out of Hogan's supposedly devastating legdrop to save the match. Not the most promising of starts. Shango's feud with Ultimate Warrior demonstrated why he is now regarded as one of the scariest gimmicks in WWE history. He "cursed" Warrior, causing him to bleed and vomit at unpredictable times. In one instance, his face began pouring with black liquid as he tried to conduct an interview with Mean Gene. Shango's failure to get over could perhaps be attributed to the gradually changing attitude of the wrestling industry. Fans were beginning to tire of more colourful Hogan-era acts, instead recognising the ability of technically gifted superstars such as Bret Hart. As such, Shango's voodoo act seemed increasingly out of place.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.