10 Scariest WWE Superstars Of All Time

6. Bray Wyatt

As the Attitude Era gradually faded away into the past, heels in the WWE began to change. Gone were the striking figures of Gangrel and Viscera - bad guys were suddenly becoming a more serious, realistic bunch. By the late 2000s, suits had become the go-to backstage attire of countless heels. Chris Jericho claimed to be originator of the suit revival, but it actually began a few years earlier with Evolution (who were in turn influenced by the legendary Four Horsemen). Suddenly figures such as The Miz and Jack Swagger were ditching their old attire in favour of suits, coupled with stern, serious personas. Bray Wyatt (and, by extension, the Wyatt Family) emerged in 2012 as a throwback, a character with an over-the-top gimmick who still managed to retain a threatening air. His sinister hillbilly act is delivered to perfection, emphasised by a collection of cult-like catchphrases ("follow the buzzards!") and a deranged couple of henchmen. Wyatt's unhinged act is reminiscent of the locals from Deliverance or, more recently, the Louisiana cultists of True Detective. Wyatt's popularity seemed to peak at this year's WrestleMania, in which he conducted the crowd with his flailing arms and had them chanting along to "he's got the whole world in his hands". Unfortunately, since losing clean to John Cena in that match, he has found himself plummet down the card. Here's hoping his unique gimmick sees a resurgence soon.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.