10 Scrapped Wrestling Moments BETTER Than What We Got!

9. Kevin Nash Gets His Hands On The Best In The World

Mick Foley Dean Ambrose

Even after popping up in that year's Royal Rumble, very few had Kevin Nash storming back into the world of sports entertainment and targeting 'The Best in the World' on their 2011 wrestling bingo cards.

But that's exactly what went down at the end of that year's SummerSlam PLE, with 'Big Daddy Cool' ambushing WWE Champion CM Punk after his match with John Cena. Alberto Del Rio would then come along and cash in his Money in the Bank contract, setting up what looked like an unexpected feud between the Punker and the former Diesel.

Then... a match never happened.

It was definitely the original plan, though. 

Before Punk ultimately ended up battling Triple H at Night of Champions, Nash was seemingly all set to clash with 'The Voice of the Voiceless', but WWE then refused to medically clear the big lad.

Nash would later claim that the fact Punk had really gotten under 'The Game's skin was a key reason Trips replaced his Kliq pal, too. But either way, fans were robbed of the far more intriguing Nash/Punk showdown, and given the frustrating visual of their hero getting beaten by 'The King of Kings' and a dreary Trips/Nash PLE fight instead.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...