10 Secret Pasts Of WWE Wrestlers

2. Sheamus

Sheamus Security

Would you mess with Sheamus?

It's easy to see why the big Irishman got the gig as a phoney security guard in 2006. He looks tough, and that's the kind of role WWE farm out to young hopefuls looking to make a splash someday anyway. Most don't go on on to become WWE Champion around three years later though.

Sheamus, along with new NXT colour man Stu Bennett, appeared on the 13 November episode as a heavy who was there to ward off Triple H and Shawn Michaels. He'd go on to take a kicking from the D-Generation X boys before eating a Pedigree from Trips (the same one he'd taste four years later at WrestleMania XXVI).

Obviously, WWE prefer not to mention that some of their most-tenured stars once worked as extras to earn a quick buck. It's not like many of these goons who are only there to take a pasting and heap sympathy on babyfaces ever go on to make much of a mark, is it? Is it?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.