10 Shocking Heel Turns That Rocked WWE

4. The Mega-Powers Explode

The Mega Powers Explode

Wrestling fans loved seeing Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage standing side-by-side to fend off hated heels like Ted DiBiase and Andre The Giant from 1988 onwards. There was a sense that The Mega-Powers would be a firm fixture of WWF cards for years - at least until Savage showed his true colours.

Jealous over Hogan's closeness to Miss Elizabeth and hating the spotlight hog that was Hulkamania, the 'Macho Man' pummelled his ex-tag partner after Hulk left him alone during a match (to help a fallen Elizabeth to the back) against The Twin Towers on The Main Event. Right before WrestleMania V, The Mega-Powers had imploded. It was convenient, of course, but no less potent.

Reinvigorated as a heel, Savage was on the top of his game as the jealous champion looking to end Hulk Hogan once and for all. The addition of Elizabeth into the fray was well-done too, because her innocence contrasted heavily to Randy's resentful envy.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.