10 Shocking Heel Turns That Rocked WWE

5. Bret Hart Turns His Back On America

Bret Hart Canadian Flag

Declaring American wrestling fans as bloodthirsty degenerates he no longer wanted to represent, Bret Hart turned heel for the first time since his days in The Hart Foundation during 1997. Although that turn really happened during the world-class war with Steve Austin at WrestleMania 13, Hart upped the ante with his anti-American bile.

Bret fighting dirty would have been one thing, but having a go at mom, pop and apple pie? Forget about it, Hitman, go back and cover yourself in maple leafs if you don't like it in the States. That was the feeling of the majority of American WWF fans, and it must have been great for Hart to see people fall into his trap.

Bret Hart had once stood for honesty, decency and heroism in the WWF. All of a sudden, that changed; he morphed into a proud Canadian who viewed his homeland as more wholesome than a poisoned USA. Xenophobia rarely works in wrestling?

Try telling Bret, who worked like a master to command heat in one country and adoration in another.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.