Despite the vehement desires of Vince McMahon, professional wrestling will never be viewed in the same light as other similarly successful industries. The WWE Chairman has always seemed ashamed to be involved with the business he helped to thrive, destroy, and thrive again, even going so far as to rechristen it "sports entertainment" in hopes of washing away some of the stigma. It hasn't worked. Pro wrestling's genesis is the carnival circuit, and Vince is still a carny at heart, as are many of the men employed within his company - although that generation is the last of a dying breed slowly being replaced. It's always been populated by alpha males and strong personalities - something that is very essential to succeeding in the industry - who've embraced the rock star lifestyle that their fame and income often provides them. Therefore it's no real surprise when stories come to light of the backstage work environment in WWE being less-than-professional. In fact, it's almost expected at this point. No matter what the corporate suits would have you believe, this is a very different world from other publicly traded companies. While things have mellowed out quite a bit from the heydays and certain regulations are in place to make the atmosphere a little more respectable, it's still pro wrestling. Let's take a look at 10 shocking incidents of unprofessional conduct in WWE.