10 Shocking Revelations That Rocked WWE Storylines

2. Shane McMahon Tells Vince He Owns WCW

Shane McMahon, Vince McMahon, Simulcast, Nitro

Like no other before him, the Mr. McMahon character could appear pompous, aloof and any other arrogant adjective you can think of all at once. It made sense, then, that McMahon would gloat about owning WCW and bask in the afterglow of his success on both Raw and Nitro in a sensational simulcast.

That's when his son Shane stepped in.

Hearing Shane reveal that he was actually the "sole owner" of World Championship Wrestling rocked the very foundations of the imminent 'Invasion' storyline. Not only that, it also changed the rules in Shane's ongoing feud with Vince over the way he had been treating his mother Linda. Suddenly, the latest chapter in McMahon vs. McMahon had a fresh twist.

Fans popped big time for Shane's announcement. The future of WCW, Nitro and all the promotion's stars wasn't clear, but (in storyline, at least) Shane offered a less ruthless approach than Vince that hinted there was light at the end of the tunnel.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.