10 Shocking Revelations That Rocked WWE Storylines

4. Mark Henry Won't Be Retiring

mark henry

The sheer beauty of this one is that nobody could see it coming. In a career-best verbal performance, Mark Henry seemed genuinely upset about the prospect of retiring from the ring, and he looked thankful to John Cena for giving him a big-star send off. Then, Henry smashed Cena with a World's Strongest Slam.

Having successfully pulled the wool over everybody's eyes, Mark must have been in heel heaven. He did a masterful job, and this segment from the June 17, 2013 Raw must go down in history as his finest hour. That powder pink suit was just the beginning. From start-to-finish, fans were suckered in by Henry's gentlemanly mannerisms and crocodile tears.

Throughout the entire broadcast, WWE had sold people on the idea that Henry was finished. By the time he looked down on a battered Cena and said he had unfinished business, it was clear the story had been a proverbial red herring of the best kind.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.