10 Shocking Revelations That Rocked WWE Storylines

5. Seth Rollins Conspires Against The Shield

Shield Break Up

Seeing The Shield battle a reunited Evolution in 2014 just felt right. This was WWE's best faction of the past up against their finest in the present, and it led to stunning matches like the six-man elimination war at Payback 2014. After that, WWE's scriptwriters believed it was time to split Seth Rollins from Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns.

Hand-picked by Triple H as the new 'Architect' of The Authority, Rollins turned his back on his Shield brothers and smashed them with a steel chair on the June 2 Raw. This was one of the most memorable turns in recent memory, one which instantly made Seth WWE's most vicious, easy-to-despise heel. Job done, then.

Maybe the creative team jumped the gun a little too quickly, because there was still juice in The Shield as babyfaces. Although that's true, it's hard to deny just how effective Rollins was as a smug, entitled heel who knew he was the future of WWE.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.