10 Shocks WWE Need To Book At Extreme Rules

9. Luke Harper & Eric Rowan Reunite As A Tag Team

Let€™s be honest here: ever since Eric Rowan and Luke Harper split up from Bray Wyatt, they€™ve floundered as singles competitors. Harper was a pseudo-member of the Authority and enjoyed a brief Intercontinental Championship reign, while Rowan was supposedly given a €˜genius€™ vintner gimmick, but the gimmick was never expanded upon. Since their separation they€™ve faced each other several times with little to no build, and have really lost steam as Superstars. Because of this, it would be shocking, and interesting, to see them reunite and enter the tag team title hunt. With the Usos out of commission for a while, the New Day sloooooowly building momentum, Los Matadores being so low on the card they€™re a comedy gimmick, and the Prime Time Players still a long way from being seen as credible challengers, the Wyatt Family, composed of Harper and Rowan, would be a nice addition to the Tag Team Division. This is especially important considering most of their initial time together was spent serving Bray Wyatt and teaming up against John Cena or Bray€™s other enemies. Harper and Rowan have main event experience; they have been very popular (as demonstrated by the Shield vs. Wyatt Family segments); and they have very good tag team chemistry when working together. On RAW, WWE could announce a multi-team Elimination match for the WWE Tag Team Championships, similar to WrestleMania (because WWE love to repeat match types), only they would leave one of the teams a mystery. Then at Extreme Rules, the final team would come down to the ring as Harper and Rowan, and all the participants would be shocked. In doing so, the tag team division would get two additional faces, and two otherwise floundering mid-carders would have something better to do than win and lose random, pointless matches.

Alexander Podgorski is a writer for WhatCulture that has been a fan of professional wrestling since he was 8 years old. He loves all kinds of wrestling, from WWE and sports entertainment, to puroresu in Japan. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Queen's University in Political Studies and French, and a Master's Degree in Public Administration. He speaks English, French, Polish, a bit of German, and knows some odd words and phrases in half a dozen other languages.